
Bringing the power of nature back to the farm

QSP, the effective shielding mechanism

- Quenching

- Sensing

- Protecting

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in animal health, resilience and well-being. Science is gaining more and more insight in how this ecosystem of microorganisms is able to affect different processes (e.g. metabolism and immunesystem) within the body. If it is in balance - eubiosis - it has lots of positive effects, if it is not - dysbiosis - it can affect the body negatively.

As a second brain the gut coordinates the response of the body. Balancing the gut microbiome is therefore the starting point in sustaining animal resilience. It is there that we want to have an impact. A gut microbiome that is able to withstand challenges can produce the vital components that help the animal to stay resilient. By using natural products to support the guts natural integrity we can give production animals extra support - for good health and productivity during its entire life. Our Eubiox range is a 100% natural solution and in cooperation with the scientific research organisation Sana Novum. 

OrangeMills Eubiox CBL Dry

Abrupt changes in diet, encounters with toxins, and a range of stress-inducing factors like elevated temperatures can negatively affect the immune system of poultry within the gastrointestinal tract. These conditions can cause a healthy gut to shift towards a ‘leaky gut’. Negatively influencing the birds’ overall health and performance and impacting their productivity and well-being.

By providing additional dietary support during times of stress, we can amplify the inherent resilience of birds. By doing so we can play and important role in safeguarding their resilience and optimal performance. Eubiox CBL-D is a natural solution that is tailored to the needs of broilers and based on Sana Novums’ QSP-approach

OrangeMills Eubiox CBL

Abrupt changes in diet, encounters with toxins, and a range of stress-inducing factors like elevated temperatures can negatively affect the immune system of poultry within the gastrointestinal tract. These conditions can cause a healthy gut to shift towards a ‘leaky gut’. Negatively influencing the birds’ overall health and performance and impacting their productivity and well-being.

By providing additional dietary support during times of stress, we can amplify the inherent resilience of birds. By doing so we can play and important role in safeguarding their resilience and optimal performance. Eubiox CBL-L is a natural solution that is tailored to the needs of broilers and based on Sana Novums’ QSP-approach

OrangeMills Eubiox PP Dry

During the weaning phase, the piglet’s digestive system has not fully matured yet and has not reached full immune competence. Together with other ‘weaning stress’ factors this can make piglets more susceptible to dysbiosis. This challenging situation can play a role in the development of diseases among recently weaned piglets.


Increasing resilience is therefore crucial. We often observe adaptation difficulties among young piglets, which often manifests itself in post weaning diarrhea. Eubiox PP is a carefully designed liquid blend of natural substances. It was developed on Sana Novums’ novel QSP-approach and supports the piglets resilience against post weaning stress.

OrangeMills Eubiox PP

During the weaning phase, the piglet’s digestive system has not fully matured yet and has not reached full immune competence. Together with other ‘weaning stress’ factors this can make piglets more susceptible to dysbiosis. This challenging situation can play a role in the development of diseases among recently weaned piglets.


Increasing resilience is therefore crucial. We often observe adaptation difficulties among young piglets, which often manifests itself in post weaning diarrhea. Eubiox PP DRY is a carefully designed blend of natural substances. It was developed on Sana Novums’ novel QSP-approach and supports the piglets resilience against post weaning stress.

OrangeMills Eubiox PPN

We're thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our brand-new Eubiox PPN product under the Eubiox range. As we prepare to unveil this innovative line of products, we're currently in the process of compiling detailed information to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and features that Eubiox will bring to the world of animal nutrition.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights about our Eubiox range, as we're excited to share how it will redefine excellence in animal nutrition. Watch this space for the forthcoming announcement that will delve into the remarkable advantages and advancements Eubiox will offer. Your journey to enhanced animal well-being is just around the corner!